For all of you Daylily fanatics The Plant Connection LLC has Proven Winners and Walters Gardens Daylilies just for you.
Proven Winners Rainbow Rhythm Sound of My Heart Hemerocallis, This daylily from Walters Gardens hybridizer Chris Meyer (of 'Going Bananas' fame) has taken over a decade to reach critical mass in production and has outperformed a ruthless selection process to make our catalog. 5", pastel pink flowers have a very wide, wine purple eye with a matching purple picotee edge on the ruffled margins. Learn more about this amazing daylily here.

Walters Gardens Passion for Red Hemerocallis. Representing a breeding advancement in red daylilies, this daylily produces very sunfast, extremely vibrant red flowers with a contrasting yellow eye/throat zone that is visible on all 6 tepals. Learn more about this amazing daylily here.

Walters Gardens Marque Moon Hemerocallis. Marque Moon’ sets the new standard for white daylilies as its form is greatly improved. Extravagant ruffling unlike any other lends a fancy, elegant look to the blossoms. The large 5-5½", fragrant, cream colored blossoms have a yellow throat that radiates softly out onto the petals. Learn more about this amazing daylily here.

Call me for an appointment to come to see these beautiful daylilies at (906) 360-4422.