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Dahlias are continuous bloomers from planting to frost, deadhead as needed. Attracts: Butterflies

Dahlias form tubers and these tubers can be stored for replanting in the spring. To dig and store tubers follow these directions. First, allow frost to kill the top of the plant then cut back the stems and dig the tubers. Wash off any soil and then allow the tubers to dry. Wrap dry tubers in newspapers or pack them in peat moss. Label each tuber or group of tubers so you know what they are come spring. Store tubers in a dark, cool (35 to 45 F) place. Do not allow tubers to freeze. Deadheading will encourage additional blooming.


All flowers are subject to availability.  Substitutions may be necessary.

Photo courtesy of Proven Winners -

Proven Selections Dalina Grande Tequila Dahlia Royale Annual

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